Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Flying solo

Today was a hard day for Bad Guy Ferris. Rocky had to start his own adventure. Bad Guy Ferris really wanted to go with him, but mean Mommy Girl (he seriously thinks that my actual name) said no. And even going out for breakfast didn't help. 
Next was looking at puppies, but even that didn't help! 
Bad Guy Ferris thought that maybe getting some lunch would help, but it didn't. 
Even the smiles from Baby Sister weren't helping!
It wasn't until after Rocky was done that Bad Guy Ferris was back to being himself. 
He even turned Mommy Girl into a killer whale, Baby Sister was turned into a fish, Daddy became a best and Rocky was also a killer whale. 
As the day was coming to an end, Rocky finished his movie and Bad Guy Ferris read a book for everyone before bed time. 

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