Sunday, July 26, 2015

Exploring the country side

Yesterday, Saturday, Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky (might change when/if he makes up his own nickname), found themselves exploring the country side. They found some people cutting, raking and bailing hay. What else would a bad guy (that doesn't seem to understand exactly what bad guys do) do, but walk through the freshly raked hay? So Bad Guy Ferris took Rocky by the arm and went to work, kind of.
Once a small mess was made on one of the rows, it was off to check out a small grave yard. 
Next, after finding out he wasn't supposed to play on anything in there, Bad Guy Ferris decided it was time to run. So off he went down the road and back up again chasing grasshoppers and butterflies with rocky somewhat going along. 
But things were cut short when Rocky was stung by a bumblebee. 
Bad Guy Ferris was so upset, he decided to take it out on a hay bail. Only the hay bail was more than twice his size and didn't really move. 

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