Sunday, August 2, 2015

It was a slow day. Then Daddy found some ambition.

It was a slow morning in Bad Guy Ferris' house. Mommy Girl didn't feel very good and it seemed like no one was going to be able to have much of an adventure today. Then Mommy Girl said it would be ok if we just went and had lunch with the grandparents. But since Mommy Girl still wasn't feeling well, she mostly stayed on the couch with Baby Sister. 
They didn't stay long and Baby Sister needed a second nap. So they went home, but about an hour or more later Daddy found that he needed to go over to get something from another relative.
Mommy Girl, feeling bad that no one was getting to have much fun, decided to make it an adventure. So Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky got to bring a couple of their outside toys to play with. 
Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky had to find just the right place. 
Soon Rocky wondered off away from Bad Guy Ferris to play on his own. 
And poor Baby Sister could only watch them. 
All too soon it the adventure was over and it was time to go home. 
But then even going home turned into an adventure!

The next thing Bad Guy Ferris knew, he was home. Mommy Girl and Daddy decided there was just enough time for one last adventure before bed time. They went for a quick walk down and then back up the hill. 
And yet again, it was over all too soon and time to clean up. 

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