Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hide and seek, master level

On a bright sunny Monday afternoon, Bad Guy Ferris, Rocky, Girl Transformer and their leader, Bad Guy Victor got to go play in the country. And that's when the game began. 

It was 3 against 1 and only 1 was hiding. 
The game started off fine, but soon they soon became distracted! 
But trying to get back to the game, 
they separated. 
Only looking backing to make sure the others weren't getting lost. 
Then Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky thought they knew where to look!
Calling back to make sure Girl Transformer knew where they were looking. 
She caught up and rejoined the search! 
Coving as much ground as they could!
But even the Bad Guys get distracted everyonce on awhile. 
When Mommy Girl gave them drinks to refuel their energy, the game continued! Looking off in one direction. 
And then other! 
But the Rocky decided to go the opposite direction then Bad Guy Ferris, leaving him a little upset.
Bad Guy Ferris decided to join Rocky, just incase he was going in the right direction. 
And out the secret passageway they came! 
Only to find that Mommy Girl had captured Girl Transformer and said it was time to go home. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rocky's get away

It was just a normal Thursday when Rocky ended up getting a fever. Mommy Girl gave him the meds to break the fever and even let everyone go outside to play and go for a walk. Girl transformer would only come back up the hill if the cat was going the same way. 
By bed time though, Boy Transformer  Daddy/Opitumis Crime and Mommy girl were a little worried about Rocky. He got to stay up later than usual just to make sure he was ok, but since he went to sleep, he was put in bed. 
But Boy Transformer Daddy/Optimus Crime and Mommy Girl were in for a big surprise! When Mommy Girl got up to check on Rocky she found out he wasn't doing too well and ended up needing to see some super heros. 
They used all they could to try and help poor Rocky feel better. 
But soon they decided to call in a special kind of super heros. 
They were going to take him to a big fortress with even more super heros that had even more super powers!
When Mommy Girl and Boy Transformer/Optimus Crime got there, Rocky still not in the best shape. 
And not long after that, they even decided to give him his own room in the big fortress with a more comfortable bed!
From his window it looks like almost everything outside was just a bunch of trees! 
By the next morning, it seemed like not much had changed for Rocky. 
But Mommy Girl tried to cheer Rocky up and even tried to find his heart beat for him! 
Soon Rocky was feeling stuck and wanted to venture about and see what was beyond the door. 
He found a room filled with tools made to make people happy. 
He found out that while that room was fun, he should probably go back to his room, but get a better look out the window to make sure everything was ok outside. 
Rocky seemed to be doing better every hour, but Mommy Girl was still worried. 
And Rocky still hadn't regained his full strength. Leaving him weak and clumsy. 
A few hours later, all the super heros had done all they could do and it was time to go home. Mommy Girl and Boy Transformer/Optimus Crime were so happy to be going home again, but were able to get a fun picture to show Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky another time. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Doggies, kitties and lizards! Oh my!

It was a somewhat warmish day and Mommy Girl wanted to take "girl transformer" for her first walk where she actually got to walk instead of ride in the stroller! 

Bad Guy Ferris ran to put his shoes on and took off out the door, excited to get some fresh air with Girl Transformer. They weren't too far down the driveway when their usual walking buddies decided to join in on the fun, but it wasn't until they were halfway down the hill when the 4th walking buddy joined in! 
Girl Transformer was excited to have a walking buddy that wasn't bigger than her with a large tongue! 
Although there were lots of walking buddies ready and willing to help, Mommy Girl wasn't quite ready to let Girl Transformer get too far away from her, even if Bad Guy Ferris thought it was ok. 
But everytime Mommy Girl thought maybe she should let Girl Tramsformer go on her own, one of the walking buddies made sure she was ok. 
When they returned home, Girl Transformer decided to run off on her own before going inside. Mommy Girl and Bad Guy Ferris had to go get her and bring her inside, but what Bad Guy Ferris found made it was they got to stay outside a little longer. 
Mommy Girl, excited that he actually caught the little guy, wanted to hold him to make sure she got more pics than if only Bad Guy Ferris held him and dropped him. 
Sorry Mama L, but at least he's not a snake! 
Once Mommy Girl was done, she let Bad Guy Ferris hold him again, but the little guy didn't seem to be all that happy to still being held and tried to bite Bad Guy Ferris!
So they thought it was best to put him down and head back inside before Boy Transformer Daddy/Optimus Crime (yes, that's really what he told me) got home with Rocky.