Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Not the day he planned

Bad Guy Ferris' Wednesday started off like every other Wednesday. Everyone was ready to leave to do our usual Wednesday stuff. 
Got breakfast and then on to take Rocky to his own usual Wednesday adventure. 
But Baby Sister and Bad Guy Ferris were getting restless while waiting. So Mommy Girl decided to take them for a short adventure. 
After Rocky was finished with his, Bad Guy Ferris had to lead poor tired Rocky to the Green Monster. 
After getting home Bad Guy Ferris decided to share his spoils from his adventure with Rocky. 
But even Bad Guy Ferris had worn himself out. 
But Mommy Girl had one more adventure left for everyone to go on that really didn't go as planned. Bad Guy Ferris was feeling like he didn't have anything he could do on this adventure. There were any toys or picture books and he wasn't allowed to touch anything. Until Mommy Girl thought of something he could do. 
And Baby Sister was so very happy he did. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Flying solo

Today was a hard day for Bad Guy Ferris. Rocky had to start his own adventure. Bad Guy Ferris really wanted to go with him, but mean Mommy Girl (he seriously thinks that my actual name) said no. And even going out for breakfast didn't help. 
Next was looking at puppies, but even that didn't help! 
Bad Guy Ferris thought that maybe getting some lunch would help, but it didn't. 
Even the smiles from Baby Sister weren't helping!
It wasn't until after Rocky was done that Bad Guy Ferris was back to being himself. 
He even turned Mommy Girl into a killer whale, Baby Sister was turned into a fish, Daddy became a best and Rocky was also a killer whale. 
As the day was coming to an end, Rocky finished his movie and Bad Guy Ferris read a book for everyone before bed time. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday fun day!

It's Monday and Bad Guy Ferris has so much to do. First he had to go with Rocky to check out the next adventure that Rocky is going to have to do solo. 
He even had to check out the new obstacles there would be for Rocky to tackle.  
After that poor Bad Guy Ferris had to make sure dinner was ok for everyone to eat. 
But after a long day of having to help his mom, Curious George is always a good show to watch while turning Mommy and Daddy into goldfish for fun!
While Bad Guy Ferris still has tons of energy and could keep playing for hours, Rocky ended up falling asleep during story time. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Exploring the country side

Yesterday, Saturday, Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky (might change when/if he makes up his own nickname), found themselves exploring the country side. They found some people cutting, raking and bailing hay. What else would a bad guy (that doesn't seem to understand exactly what bad guys do) do, but walk through the freshly raked hay? So Bad Guy Ferris took Rocky by the arm and went to work, kind of.
Once a small mess was made on one of the rows, it was off to check out a small grave yard. 
Next, after finding out he wasn't supposed to play on anything in there, Bad Guy Ferris decided it was time to run. So off he went down the road and back up again chasing grasshoppers and butterflies with rocky somewhat going along. 
But things were cut short when Rocky was stung by a bumblebee. 
Bad Guy Ferris was so upset, he decided to take it out on a hay bail. Only the hay bail was more than twice his size and didn't really move.