Friday, March 11, 2016

Introduction to their new leader

It was a cloudy Friday morning and Mommy Girl had something special for breakfast. Powered donut holes! Bad Guy Ferris was put in charge of handing them out since Mommy Girl had something even more important to do, feed Bad Guy Victor - the Leader. 
Bad Guy Ferris was feeling a little overpowered by having the responsibility of handing out breakfast and decided to change his name to, "Bad Guy Duker", but he was being fair, while Bad Guy Rocky was being messy and Good Kid Stephie seemed to keep wanting more. 
So Bad Guy Duker decided to make things more interesting. Suddenly, Bad Guy Duker and Bad Guy Rocky had superpowers! They could freeze stuff and turn themselves into Titans (must watch disneys Hercules to understand who and what they are)! 
Bad Guy Rocky froze Good Kid Stephie, knocking Bad Guy Duker off the couch!
But somehow she was able to break free of being frozen. Bad Guy Duker turned himself into the lava Titan and went after her!
Good Kid Stephie, being so young and having a double ear infection, did something that completely shocked Bad Guy Duker. 
She cried and went to Mommy Girl for a time out of the game... 
Bad Guy Duker, not really being that bad of a guy, did feel sorry for playing too rough and made things better so they could play another time.