Sunday, August 16, 2015

Another bad guy

It was such a nice easy Saturday morning. Then Rocky started talking. His talking was the bad part, but what he was saying was. "Bad guy."  
So now he's not just Rocky, but Bad Guy Rocky. And Bad Guy Ferris couldn't be happier about it. 
So was Super Girl the only good one left? She didn't care, she was more upset no one noticed her bottle was empty. 
Soon Mommy Girl and Daddy decided to go for a drive and check out some new stuff. 
Next Bad Guy Ferris wanted to show Daddy a new place he found. "Chick cafe"
Bad Guy Ferris wasted no time in stealing Mommy Girls drink. And then Bad Guy Rocky stole Daddy's. 
Then it was off to save some girls!

Monday, August 10, 2015

They had a monster truck!

It was a sunny, hot humid day and Bad Guy Ferris was more than ready to play. 
He set out in search of others to play with. 
And found them. 
There was all sorts of things to do, including climbing down to play in a creek. While Rocky preferred to stick to the dirt that was at his feet. 
But even bad guys need a water break. 
And even a little bit of snuggles. 
Before heading back out. 
Then it was off to play at his grandparents. 

And he even got to stay the night. So he had to say goodnight. 
But Rocky and Super Girl had to just sleep at home and play tug-o-war with a blankie. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Mutiny in the green monster

It seemed like it was going to be just a slow Saturday at home watching movies and cartoons. 
Then Daddy had stuff to do outside. Bad Guy Ferris rushed to get dressed!
Next Mommy Girl said there was still some shipping that needed to be done. Bad Guy Ferris, Rocky and Super Girl were "forced" to have lunch somewhere other than home. 
But at least they had fun hats there. 
Next they went to looking at sharks and some fish. 
Soon enough it was time for bed. Everyone had a bath and we're getting sleepy, but even Bad Guy Ferris wasn't didn't know Super Girls hair would do this. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Boring Friday

Bad Guy Ferris and Rocky were so excited for it to finally be Friday. They ate their breakfast. 
Then it was time to take Rocky to his adventure. 
Bad Guy Ferris missed Rocky, but kept busy by playing with his blocks
And practicing writing his name. 
Finally the day was almost over and Tome to get Rocky. 
He just wasn't all that sure about dinner. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rainy Thursday

Bad Guy Ferris had a bad morning. He had to take Rocky to go on his own adventure again. 
It wasn't all bad, they got to do some climbing first. 
Once back home Bad Guy Ferris was stuck inside due to the rain. There was only one thing he could do. He made a fort. 
Then it was onto building with Super Girl (Bad Guy Ferris renamed Baby Sister). 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday's can be hard on anyone

Today was another hard day for Bad Guy Ferris. It was Rocky's first fill day of his own solo adventures. But Bad Guy Ferris wasn't going to let Rocky see he was having a hard time with it. He even walked with him inside. 
Waited/played with him before he had to go. 
Then, since Mommy Girl wasn't feeling well, decided they needed to stop for brunch. 
Then Mommy Girl surprised Bad Guy Ferris by stopping at a park where Baby Sister go to play in a swing for the first time. 
For the most part, they had the park all to themselves. Then a princess showed up to play with!
And she ever brought a dog with her!
Bad Guy Ferris was having such an exciting morning that what happened at home surprised even Mommy Girl!
But he still missed Rocky. 
It was finally time to get Rocky and have one more small adventure before bed time.